6th July 2012
Location LOCATION: Sydney

I’m sure all of you have your own set of work clothes that no matter how many new items of clothing you buy you always end up coming back to the same comfortable basics.

4th July 2012
Lady Bug
Location LOCATION: Sydney

So in exciting news we’ve just finished moving house and I couldn’t be happier to be working from a home with white walls and plenty of natural light again.

11th June 2012
Location LOCATION: Sydney

Another day, another outfit that has me questioning why I feel the urge to dress like a school girl sometimes…

8th June 2012
Location LOCATION: Sydney

The last one is passable for reasons I can’t think of right now. I’m going to blame the playsuit for that.

6th June 2012
Location LOCATION: Sydney

I’m a firm believer in you don’t have to pay a lot of money to look nice but sometimes I feel some brands are indeed worth every penny.