28th October 2012
Location LOCATION: Versailles

Things just seemed to click for me here so finding somewhere to shoot this silk floral dress was so easy, like breathing or sleeping in.

26th October 2012
Je t’aime
Location LOCATION: Paris

Je t’aime Paris, you were absolutely perfect.

25th October 2012
With Love
Location LOCATION: Paris

Paris. Boy. Balloons. Love. Soaring. Unforgettable. Now.

23rd October 2012
France Instagram Diary
Location LOCATION: France

If you know me well you’ll know how obsessed I am with Instagram and how much I love capturing a moment to share with my Instagram followers.

21st October 2012
Portobello Markets Diary
Location LOCATION: London

A beautiful day in Hyde Park as it quickly filled with golden light after Portobello Markets.